European Adventure Travel

Regenerative Impact

Episode Summary

Marcus funded his MO ranch conversion from conventional to regenerative with federal grants expecting better yields -- but he ended up making environmental impact almost by accident. Learn how to improve the soil and regenerate the land with this roundtable exploring carbon negative certificates like the ones Sebastian is trying to grow and animal management and low tillage.

Episode Notes

In this episode we explore small scale regenerative farming and ranching.

What does it mean practically to “go regenerative”, what are the timeframes, what benefit it is to the planet, and we’ll show sometimes you might just be trying to improve your yields and become an accidental environmentalist.


We’re going to explore how people in the US can utilise government programs to help fund their way into more regenerative ranching practices.


Our accomplices on this journey include Marcus Long - the founder of a long legacy and REI firm and naval officer- he’s all about helping investors around the world securely finance their future and educating the next generation holistically - and Sebastian Graf, an American kid with dyslexia that stopped normal school to hunt fossils and ended up a robotics engineer and expatriated to Berlin. 

What is regenerative?


Proudly affiliated with   Aspiration Bank & Sustainable Investors Group

Thanks again to Marcus and Sebastian to help us unpack this on our Summit Roundtable.


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Until the next time, Climb Your Mountains.


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